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Bishop A. Leon Williams Ministries
Flexible Utilization

The Vision
"And the Lord answered me, and said, write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it".
Habakkuk 2:2

The Episcopal Baptist Church Fellowship vision is to "Plant the seed of Salvation to Harvest "New" souls for Christ".

There are so many people throughout America and globally who have not heard or understand the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As a fellowship of like minded individuals joined together in the faith, we aspire to live out our vision with this as a motivational factor.

"The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few. Pray ye there for the Lord of the harvest that he will send forth laborers into his Harvest"
Matthews 37A-38

Our primary focus as a whole body is to collectively and independently honor "The Great Commission".

"Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost".

"Teach them to observe all things. What soever I have commended you and lo I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen"

The Mission
The Mission

The mission of The Episcopal Baptist Church Fellowship is to be a catalyst for the strengthening of the Christian Faith, by organizing all like minded believers under Gods Divine Authority to help meet the needs, both physical and spiritual, for all who believe and are seeking redemption through the Salvation which is found in the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The Goals
The Goals

The goal of this Fellowship is to combine all churches and outreach ministries, individuals, companies, organizations and any group of people who are dedicated and or already engaged in the practice of helping others, together in One Christian Fellowship, to share resources and to present a Collaborative Initiative to the local , state, and federal governments to obtain funding for various projects and programs to help the needy as Christ has blessed us all, in every community, while preaching and teaching to the lost about the salvation found in the divine Gospel of Jesus Christ. With this goal in mind we together can help meet the need of God's children without the need for a collaborative effort to the same issues and accomplishments of goals within the Lords Church.

The Destiny
The Destiny

The Destiny

The Episcopal Baptist Church is destined to be a catalyst and  tangible asset to communties in which we reside and serve. It is our destiny to become a pillar in communties all over the United States and Globally.

  • Low cost Daycare Facilities
  •  Homeless and Battered Women's Shelters
  •  Food banks and or Feeding Facilities for the Poor
  •  Continuing Education and Literacy Programs
  •  Drug Counseling and or Rehabilitation Programs
  •  Welfare to Work Programs
  •  Youth and Teen Counseling Programs
  •  Fatherhood Initiative Programs and Counseling
  • First Time Homeowners Workshops and Seminars
  • Small Business and Entreprenurship Encubators
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Bishop A. Leon Williams Ministries
P.O. BOX 1284 | Missouri City, TX. 77459 | Phone:(281) 608-0774  |

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